I hope to become a bit more pro-active about not being overly anxious about the end of the world, but it's news like this that completely throw me for a loop!
Oh and hello. Sorry - I neglected to acknowledge the start of a new school year, and the beginning of new opportunities to read this blog! It's going to be a good one (year, I mean) - I can feel it in my bones.
Back to the task at hand.
America seems to be infatuated with fluffy, nonsensical, unique feats or small (but invigorating) proportions. For example:
That baby who does the single ladies dance? Over 250 thousand people delighted in that short clip - sometimes repeatedly. Things like that offer welcome respite from the goings of our world - the earthquake that cultivated a new fault line in New Zealand, perhaps? Or the near miss hurricane Earl just a few days ago, ruled an emergency by Barack Obama himself? What of the obscene flooding in Pakistan? Or the lack of justice pervading our culture in favor of those with money and time spent in the public eye?
I've got nothing against YouTube: people are being educated about things - hey are learning how to improve themselves, and that leads to more informed, confident people. Do you need to know how to make sushi? Done. Are you interested in origami figures? How about how to do the Superman? They are all vital skills to add to your repertoire. Your friends are on YouTube. Don't be ashamed of the craftiness you cultivate by watching those on the small screen.
It's our love of the small things - the weird things that don't have a direct effect on our lives that help dull the sting of the inadequacy, guilt, and sadness we feel while watching he nightly news. Who doesn't want to know what lies on the other side of the rainbow?