by Natalie Allison Senior Reporter
Burlington is a growing place. I wish I had been smart enough to start my own time-lapse photo series six or so years ago to document how this city has grown and developed. It’s almost hard to clearly recall the time when Alamance Crossing was nothing but a field (that no one could really see — because there were virtually no roads over there) when I was younger.
I remember, when I was a kid, how my family would take Saturday evening trips to Greensboro once a month or so. The trip (which was sort of a big deal, I might add) allowed us to make stops at Target, Sam’s Club, Best Buy, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Old Navy, Kohl’s and a few other places. It’s really sort of ironic how things have changed! I can now make a round trip to Target — driving there, running in and leaving — in less than 15 minutes. And I do it often. Sometimes I make several trips a week. I could also go to Best Buy or Old Navy just as easily now, and in a matter of weeks, will be able to browse Kohl’s or even go to BJ’s (if I know someone who gets a membership) without going farther than a few miles from my house.
So as you (or if you) read my article this week about the new stores coming to the area, or even as you go to those stores in the next few weeks, count your blessings that we have these modern conveniences in Alamance County today. OK, kidding. But seriously — Burlington could be worse. It sure has grown a lot from what it used to be.
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