Hello there web traveler,

Were you searching the world wide web for the most complete source of news about Elon University? You have found the right place. On Jan. 31, 2012, we relaunched ElonPendulum.com, the website for our 38-year old newspaper, The Pendulum.

2012 promises to be a big year for us. It's been more than three years since the last major redesign of our web presence. We no longer wish to be known as just a newspaper. While our weekly edition will continue to hit stands every Wednesday, we now produce a web show, create a bi-monthly magazine and dominate social media. As student journalists, we're ready to change our approach to delivering news in this new age.

On behalf of our entire news organization, I'd like to welcome you to our new website. If you like it, make it your homepage and share it with your friends. And leave us a comment below to let us know how we can serve you better!

- Jeff Stern Online Managing Editor, The Pendulum

[box]A few cool things about our new site:

  • Responsive design and better mobile performance (re-size your browser to see what I mean)
  • Cleaner typography and readability (you'll be less overwhelmed with thick black blocks of text)
  • More eye candy (be on the lookout for more videos, photos and interactive graphics)
  • Total blog integration (all of our blogs have been incorporated into our main site for faster access)
  • It's just the beginning (this is just version 1.0, improvements will be happening every day to bring you the best online news experience)