If you have logged into any sort of social media in the past week, you will understand when I say Kony 2012 has erupted everywhere. Celebrities have been tweeting and tweeted at as young Americans around the world click every retweet, share, send and reblog button that mentions the cause.

The point of releasing the documentary was to increase Invisible Children trending. And boy, did it trend. At Elon alone, the number of students attending the showing of Kony 2012 escalated as word stretched around campus. As a member of Elon’s chapter of Invisible Children, I was ecstatic. Last year, we did a similar event for the documentary “Tony,” and had an excellent turn out. This year, Elon students are reacting even more passionately.

Here is some simple math. When you watch the video, you educate yourself. You create an opinion. Then, share it. Retweet it. E-mail it to family. E-mail it to friends. Participate. As the word spreads, more and more of the American population will begin expressing their interest. Invisible Children hopes that this will persuade celebrities and those in power to listen to the American people.

But why should authorities listen? Why should our government, which isn’t threatened by this war, keep American troops in Africa to find and arrest Joseph Kony? Because we’re human and because we can.

As much as the word is spread, many have a serious point to consider. Social media are huge, but making your profile picture the logo for Kony 2012 isn’t going to find him. So, we’re taking it a step further. When students get to their feet and move, that’s when things start happening. For $5, you can purchase 25 posters on the Kony 2012 website and April 20, you can join a crowd of Elon students as we put these posters all over campus.

Children will be sleeping in fear tonight. They will be hungry. They will be lonesome. They are young. And what are we? Strong. Educated. Determined. We are a wave of technology, commitment and humanity that will crash down on Kony and he will be exposed - this year, 2012 - and hope will be restored. The time is now.