At Thursday’s SGA Senate meeting, Executive President Joseph Incorvia recapped his conference call with the White House the previous evening, in which 800 student leaders were informed of President Barack Obama’s “It’s On US” campaign, aimed to stop sexual assault on college campuses.
“What I was able to take away from the call was mostly that we should be really proud that we go to Elon University,” Incorvia said. “The three individuals who were giving the conference call, talked about the best practices around the country aimed at these types of issues, and a lot of the practices that it talked about are things that Elon already does.”
These practices include having a task force concerning issues of sexual assault, having a safe line for students to call, and having students who are advocates for being allies and not bystanders.
At the same meeting, Eco Reps representative Mackenzie Conley, Class of 2016, spoke to SGA with the goal of promoting greater awareness of t program. Dean of Multicultural Affairs Randy Williams also presented the goals of Elon’s Multicultural Center for the next academic year, as the center hopes to better represent historically marginalized identity groups on campus.
In addition, new Senator Alex Battaglia, a junior, was sworn in as a representative of campus programs.