Located in the Inman Admissions Building, Elon University’s Office of Admissions and Financial Aid processes the application of every prospective student coming to the school. The office also provides tours and any additional information for applicants. The Office of Admissions was voted “Best Place to Work” by the university community. 

As the Associate Director for Admissions and Campus Visits, Torii Masinsin works with many of these student employees. There are 122 student faculty members in the admissions office, including 98 tour guides and 24 additional office assistants. 

Part of why the office is so popular is its flexible work schedule.

“Our students are able to give us the hours that work best for them and we’ll assign their shift or tour based on their availability,” Masinsin wrote in a statement to Elon News Network. “[We] are very understanding of the needs of our students and we have encouraged an open-door policy in case our students need anything from us.” 

Admissions and financial aid jobs are also very competitive positions, according to Masinsin. Although there were 40 open positions for student faculty this fall, the Office of Admissions received over three times that number of applicants in the last semester.

There are also an additional 46 student workers in the financial aid and records department, according to Katherine Rodriguez, assistant director of application processing.

“While it is competitive, we are happy to review applications for the position as we look for new student workers every year,” Rodriguez wrote in a statement to Elon News Network.

Prospective tour guides can apply through the Elon Job Network website in the coming spring semester, and other positions are posted on EJN as they are needed. 

“I can confidently say that working with our student employees is the best part of our jobs,” Masinsin wrote. “Their roles in our office are an integral part of Admissions and we are so grateful for all the time they have given to us. It is a joy and an honor to work with our students every day.”