Republican Meredith Tuck Edwards ran unopposed for her second term as Alamance County Clerk of Superior Court. When previously running in 2018, Edwards placed a heavy focus on creating a hospitable environment for the courts and always putting people first.
After earning her law degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2007, she went on to work as a prosecutor in Alamance County for 10 years. This involved working directly with the clerk’s office.
The Clerk of the Superior Court is responsible for record-keeping, clerical keeping and distributing money gathered through fees.
Clerks are also referred to as probate judges. These responsibilities include dealing with guardianship, adoptions and deceased people’s assets.

Additionally, Edwards said significant changes are coming to the state of North Carolina’s judicial system this December, when five counties will trial a new electronic filing system. Although Alamance County is not among this group, Edwards is already planning on how to go about the changes in a manner that won’t negatively impact local residents.
“I want to make sure that when we transition to e-filing, we're not leaving anybody behind, we're not losing any access to justice — we're not losing anybody out there who feels like ‘now I can't touch the court system because of these e-filing requirements,’” Edwards said in a previous interview with Elon News Network. “If I can successfully transition us to e-filing and bring the public along, and the attorneys along and the judges along, I think that'll be a really big deal for us in the next four years.”