Updated as of Feb. 7, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. to include comment from Ann Bullock, dean of the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education. 

Maha Lund will serve as Elon University’s next dean of the School of Health Sciences. After a national search, she was one of three finalists for the position. 

Lund, doctorate of health sciences from NOVA Southeastern University, will join Elon after serving as the division chief and director of the Physician Assistant Program at Emory University School of Medicine. 

After multiple requests for comment, Lund contacted Elon News Network Feb. 7 and said she would be available for an interview later this spring. 

When she presented to the student body on Nov. 28 2022, she shared her goals for Elon and the School of Health Sciences, and how that fit in with the Boldly Elon Strategic Plan. 

“I believe that if we work together and hear everybody's voice then the outcome will always be better than if one person only makes decisions,” Lund said previously. “Making the difference in their community, however big, however small that community is, however you choose to define your community, but making a difference. I believe that with the privileges and education that we receive, we have responsibilities to the people around us.”

Ann Bullock, dean of the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education since June 2016, chaired the search committee. In an email to Elon News Network she said the search was a competitive one. 

“I am thrilled with the appointment of Dr. Lund,” Bullock wrote. “She will provide great leadership to the already successful School of Health Sciences. As a colleague, I look forward to collaborating with her to move the mission of our university forward.” 


Miranda Ferrante contributed to the reporting of this story.