The Truitt Center, located in the Numen Lumen Pavilion, is introducing a new dining option to Elon University's campus which includes kosher, halal and pareve food. 

The Truitt Center is a multifaith, on-campus space that practices and explores different religions. 

Lucy Sneader has been working with the Hillel Center on campus for years and with the Truitt Center since July 2023.

“They are incredibly supportive of every single religious organization here and there are so many here,” Sneader said. “They are truly here for every student and want to help in any way that they can.”

One of the center's newest outlets for inclusion is the Phoenix Flavors vending machine. The machine is currently in a pilot period, but there is already a lot of excitement from students — according to Interim Assistant Dean of Multifaith Engagement Hillary Zaken.

Senior Rachel Curtis works for the Truitt Center and said the machine will also accept Phoenix Cash. 

“It has kosher, halal and pareve options for students who observe those diets, as well as microwaves for each type of diet respectively,” Curtis said. “The vending machine offers a quick meal in an area of campus without a lot of meal options that students can be assured follows their dietary guidelines.”

Kosher is a dietary restriction that is based on the Jewish religion, while Halal is based on the Islamic religion. Pareve foods — which are often vegan except for fish products — can be eaten with either meat or dairy products and still be kosher. More information about dietary restrictions based on religion or spirituality can be found on the Truitt Center's website

According to Zaken, other dining locations on-campus have worked with the Truitt Center in the past to create an inclusive dining experience for everyone's dietary restrictions. 

“Our ongoing collaboration with Elon Dining has ensured that Muslim community members can enjoy halal chicken at the AllGood station in Lakeside, and kosher grab-and-go options are available in a variety of locations,” Zaken said. 

During Jewish holidays, including Rosh Hashanah and Passover, foods like matzo ball soup, kugel and matza are available for Jewish community members. Additionally, “to go boxes” are available for Muslim community members during Ramadan. 

Sneader said the goal of the Phoenix Flavors vending machine is to make these options even more accessible. 

“I think that this is a really great opportunity to have those kosher and halal options so that people who have those dietary guidelines are able to have easy access to food,” Sneader said.