The Elon University class of 2028 unpack their cars at the Colonnades and Danieley neighborhoods early Friday, Aug. 23. While setting up his new home, freshman biochemistry major Nate Gracci said he is looking forward to meeting his professors and classmates. 

Gracci’s dad, Vincent, said touring Elon is what helped make the decision. 

“We were pretty much sold when we did the original tour, we were very excited and happy with what we saw and with who we met,” Vincent said. “It was more of a personal experience coming here than some of the other schools that we checked out.”

Freshman Gracie Bleiberg said she is excited to move in and get involved with the Gender and Sexuality LLC, wanting to minor in gender studies. 

Bleiberg said the first time she toured Elon, she had an instant love for campus. 

“I love Elon,” Bleiberg said. “I've loved it since I laid eyes on it. It's been my dream school.”

Incoming freshman, Ayden Littlefield, found out about Elon from a current Elon sophomore.

“She showed me around campus, through the phone because I live in Germany and she said that she loved it,” Littlefield said. “Then I talked to some of the staff, and they were so nice and overall I decided to come.”

Keegan McCann, freshman teaching fellow, said he looks forward to the amount of teaching opportunities given to students at Elon compared to other universities. 

McCann said he hopes to become a high school teacher, following in the footsteps of his mother, Kristen, a third grade teacher. 

Kristen said when looking at universities, it was obvious that Elon was the right choice. 

“The Teaching Fellows Program is above and beyond anything we saw, and they've just supported him,” Kristen said.

Elon seniors Livvie McManes and Kelly Degnan are two members of the Elon women’s soccer team helping students unpack.

Degnan emphasized the value in meeting the newest members of the Elon family, and the connections with the other volunteers and orientation leaders.

“One of the hardest things as we get older is meeting the younger kids,” Degnan said. “It’s kind of just good bonding for us, especially with the people that also work with us like the Orientation leaders.”

McManus said when she chose to attend Elon, the campus brought the feeling of home.

“I chose it partly because of soccer but also I just felt like it was home when I came here,” McMannus said. “I toured it and everything felt like where I was meant to be.” 

Thinking about advice she would give to new students, McMannus said she encourages students to be themselves. 

“Just be yourself, you’ll find your people,” McMannus said. “Don’t change for anyone around you because you’re going to find the people that love you for yourself. College is a lot of ups and downs, but I promise you, it’s going to end up working out.”