Students in Global Neighborhood were welcomed to campus by staff and student volunteers bright and early Friday morning as they eagerly unpacked their cars.

Rebecca Kohn, provost, is just one of the many staff members greeting students as they unpack on the basketball courts. 

“What an exciting day. It’s early, still, but people are really excited to be here,” Kohn said. 

When asked about advice for the incoming class of 2028, Vice President for Student Life Jon Dooley said he advises students to get involved on campus but at their own pace.

“There’s so many good things to do so just embrace the opportunities, go with the flow, and make sure you’re staying engaged,” Dooley said. “I think my piece of advice for the weekend is to pace yourself. There’s a lot going on. There’s a lot that can be overwhelming. Make sure you take time for yourself but, along the way maybe push yourself out of your comfort zone a little bit.” 

Dooley was greeting students as they arrived. 

“There is actually a lot of excitement today, as there always is on move-in day,” Dooley said. 

Elon mom, Keyon Armstead, is one of many parents excited for their student to start their journey at Elon. Her daughter Jordan is an incoming freshman hoping to major in journalism. A two-time Elon mom, Armstead said the experience is both exciting and scary. 

“My oldest daughter also went to Elon,” Armstead said. “She’s already graduated, she’s gone to law school, and she’s a practicing attorney now.” 

Her advice for Jordan and other incoming students is to reach out. 

“It’s OK to say, ‘I need help and I need a moment,’” Armstead said. “If you’re overwhelmed, reach out, there’s a tremendous amount of support services.” 

Jordan said she’s most excited about classes.

“I’m taking American sign language one, and I’ve always wanted to learn so I’m definitely excited for that class,” Jordan said. “I’m also excited for my dorm. I have all pink accessories so I’m very excited to just have an all pink room." 

Jordan said she is also looking forward to campus involvement. 

“I’m going to join the Black Student Union. I was a part of the BSU back at my high school so that’s a tradition I want to keep,” Jordan said. “I also want to join the cooking club. I love to cook so I want to better my recipes, and I also plan to do volunteering.”

The Bergers moved in their youngest daughter, Olivia with the help of Elon ’21 graduate Samantha Berger and senior Dylan Berger. 

Olivia, a prospective journalism major, said she is excited about the upcoming year, especially to “really to just meet new people, find my place, get involved with everything I can and just to get adjusted to campus in the best way possible.”

Olivia also said she was excited to be attending Elon at the same time as her older brother Dylan. 

“I think it’s going to be so much fun,” Olivia said. “I can’t wait to see him around campus and see what he’s up to.” 

Dylan initially said he didn’t share the same sentiment. 

“No, not at all. I’m joking, I’m joking. I think it’ll be a lot of fun,” Dylan said. 

Their older sister Samantha and Dyland both encouraged Olivia to make as many connections as she can and to enjoy her time on campus.

“Enjoy every single minute of it because it goes by extremely fast,” she said. 

Samantha didn’t have the opportunity to attend Elon at the same time as her siblings. 

“I’m jealous of them. I loved it, but I think it’s so special that the two of them get to go together,” Samantha said.

Samantha also spent her freshman year in Global Neighborhood and recalled loving the experience. 

Their father, Marc Berger, said he was excited about their experience. 

“I’m excited for them, for her. I know how much the other two loved it so I’m excited for her to have the same experience,” Marc said. “Do as many things as you can. Enjoy every minute of it, and take advantage.”

As the morning continued, more students continued to move into their new home away from home.

Skylar Winter is an incoming freshman hoping to major in political science. She said she was drawn to Elon for the inclusivity. 

“I really like how Elon has a lot of new opportunities for freshmen that a lot of other colleges don’t offer,” Winter said. “It was really helpful just knowing that I won’t be lost, and they offer a lot of opportunities, even when you’re alumni. It goes beyond just college.”