Updated as of 3:31 p.m. on Oct. 1 to include video.

Over 100 more liquor law violations were referred for disciplinary action than the year before, according to Elon University's 2024 security and fire safety report. This report details reported crimes that occurred on campus and within buildings owned by Elon, and pulls from data from 2023.

As part of the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, institutions that participate in student financial aid programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 are required to disclose campus crime statistics and security information.

According to the report, there were 293 liquor law violations referred for disciplinary action, all of which occurred on campus and all but one occurred in residential facilities – defined as dormitories and other on-campus student facilities – compared to 192 violations in 2022. These offenses are referred to the office of student conduct for disciplinary action if they occur in residential facilities. There were a total of 12 liquor law arrests – nine on campus and three on public property – a decrease compared to 2022 with 39 arrests. 

There were also 73 drug law violations referred for disciplinary action, all of which occurred on campus and a total of 19 drug arrests – 14 on campus and five on public property. The violations this year increased by 11 and arrests decreased by 17. 

There was a decrease in rapes, cases of fondling and dating violence. In 2023, there were 15 rapes reported in residential facilities compared to 17 in 2022. Reported cases of fondling in residential facilities decreased from nine in 2022 to three in 2023. Accounts of dating violence decreased from eight accounts to four. The university defines dating violence as violence committed by a person who is in a social relationship of intimate nature and includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse.

There was an increase in reported accounts of stalking from zero in 2022 to four in 2023, and is defined as engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause fear for his or her safety or suffer substantial emotional distress. 

Reported burglaries also decreased from the previous year from five to three. There was one weapons law violation that occurred on campus. 

There were no cases of murder, robbery or domestic violence. There were no crimes reported at Elon School of Law in Greensboro. 

Elon Chief of Campus Safety and Police Joe LeMire was not available for Elon News Network’s interview request.