Updated as of 9:25 a.m. on Sept. 5 to include a photo of Oak House's celebratory cake.

The Oak House, a popular Elon coffee house and bar, is celebrating one decade of being in business. Ten years ago on Sept. 5, owner Phil Smith opened its big, brown doors to the public and said the time has flown by faster than he could have imagined.

“I'm excited, I almost would say surprised,” Smith said. “It's hard to believe 10 years ago that we'd be standing here 10 years later.”

This celebration is set to have specials all day, including birthday cake and some “trinkets” to give away, Smith said — along with “Cheers to 10 years” pint glasses and coasters.

“We're looking forward to celebrating with everybody that wants to come by,” Smith said.

Fiona McAllister | Elon News Network
The front end of Oak House on Sept. 4.

When asked about the future for his cafe, Smith said he sees The Oak House sticking around for a long time.

“The goal would be to keep going until it's ready for somebody else to take over,” Smith said. “But it's been a great 10 years and I could see another 10.”

Fiona McAllister | Elon News Network
The Oak House gives away slices of cake for their 10 year anniversary on Sept. 5.