
NEWS 4/4/09 8:05pm

Youtube down the tubes?

The title sounds like something out of a poor Japanese translation guide, but it highlights the little-mentioned problem of just how those websites we all know and love are supposed to be profitable.

NEWS 4/3/09 3:50pm

Grumpy old media

There's something inherent to anything related to blogging or any opinions section. Complaining. Glorified whining about why things and wrong and how they should be.

NEWS 4/1/09 1:44pm

Failing to close the Atlantic humor gap

The Guardian has pretty much sucked the April Fool's wind out of my sails, beating any ideas that I had for a post celebrating the most fiendish holiday of them all. My cranky attitude toward Twitter is well-known, and The Guardian pleased me to no end with its announcement of a switch to a Twitter-exclusive publishing model. Just look at how effective The Guardian was in reporting past events in Twitter! 1927 OMG first successful transatlantic air flight wow, pretty cool!

NEWS 3/31/09 2:08pm

A bridge to somewhere

The haggling over the stimulus package started up again with a bridge to Microsoft parking lot. The $36 million project connecting two wings of Microsoft's headquarters will be the lucky recipient of $11 million in federal aid, because Microsoft's cash reserves are, of course, historically minute.

NEWS 3/31/09 2:21am

Baseball and symbols

Today, while carefully splitting my time between the Pendulum and ESPN, I was excitedly sitting through Baseball Tonight's analysis of the American League East.

NEWS 3/31/09 1:47am

If you break it, the fed will come...

"But just in case there are still nagging doubts, let me say it as plainly as I can -- if you buy a car from Chrysler or General Motors, you will be able to get your car serviced and repaired, just like always.

NEWS 3/29/09 11:47pm

GM redesigns its 2009 CEO model

Rick Wagoner, the former CEO of General Motors, is on the outs. This should come to little surprise, given his general ineptitude and the general failure of GM to do much of anything successful.

NEWS 3/26/09 4:45am

When baseball matters

Usually baseball is a sport that has little international significance. Soccer/football leads entire nations to spill into the streets and ignite things in joy or despair, all of the Olympic sports have great bouts of nationalism attached to them every four years, but baseball always seems to be a highly isolated affair. Until Japan beat South Korea 5-3 in the World Baseball Classic, on Monday that is.

NEWS 3/26/09 4:11am

Back from the grave!

Well, not the grave so to speak. Think of it as a sun-soaked hiatus punctuated by rejuvinating weather, a startlingly high population of bikinis, hijinks and topped off by a temporary headstone on the blog.

NEWS 3/20/09 7:37am

The need for a crisis of faith

Let's take a moment to look at faith's place at an institution of higher learning. Robert Wohner's article in this week's Pendulum featured this key idea: "But by neglecting to present any esteemed speakers with a traditional worldview, the assumption is that anyone who reads from the Quran or the Bible in a literal way is inherently intolerant." So, the idea stems from Elon's push for alternative religion, and questioning of what constitutes faith, and student's ability to recognize their own role in that.

NEWS 3/18/09 8:04pm

Stop-loss is over!

About time...I'm not in the military, but it never seemed right to treat soldiers like yo-yos, promising a return home and then swinging them back out into the warzone.
