
NEWS 6/11/20 3:29pm

Standing in solidarity: what it means to be an ally

Being an ally begins by recognizing that there is an issue of racism, according to Damion Blake, assistant professor of political science and faculty fellow for race, ethnicity and diversity. He said people need to come to terms with the history of systemic racism in America once they recognize there is an issue.

NEWS 6/10/20 2:27pm

Elon students join protests against police brutality in Greensboro

The event took place on June 7 and was a part of the wave of anti-racism protests happening across the country. During the demonstrations, thousands of people gathered together to march and listen to speeches by activists, individuals incarcerated for protesting, and family members of Marcus Smith. 

NEWS 6/6/20 1:44pm

Elon parent faces backlash for conversation on race and the university

After seeing President Connie Book’s statement amid national protests about police brutality Elon parent Velada Chaires, decided to start a conversation. In a parent-run Facebook group not affiliated with the university called Elon Parent to Parent Page, she posted about Elon’s past to look critically at race at Elon in the present.
