
NEWS 2/16/20 2:55pm

The push for bail reform in Alamance County

Alamance and surrounding counties have been debating bail reform for the last 20 years, and Caldwell — who’s running on a bail and criminal justice reform platform — is one of the many advocates who have been through the criminal justice system and now uses their second chance to push for a change in policies for the system they use to be in.

NEWS 2/14/20 1:32pm

ENN Radio Feb. 14, 2020

ENN Radio is back! In this week's episode, Grace Morris and Lauren Singles talk about the coronavirus's impact on Elon. Ashley Moran explains early voting for in the North Carolina primary as Baylor Rodman tells us what presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg had to say in his visit to the state. Softball season has started and Caitlin Rundle breaks down how the team is faring. 

NEWS 2/13/20 11:20pm

SGA passes bill to replace Safe Rides with Uber

In the first phase of the pilot program beginning after Spring Break, students will get two discounted Uber rides to anywhere geographically close to campus. It will replicate the range of Safe Rides, with off-campus housing along with Crest and Danieley included.

NEWS 2/13/20 8:41am

Early primary voting begins across North Carolina

The North Carolina primary is here. Voters can indicate their preference for their party’s candidate. For voters looking to participate prior to the primary date, early voting is an alternative solution. This process has been known to decrease lines and encourage voter participation. Any person looking to participate must be registered to vote in the state of North Carolina, no photo ID is required.

NEWS 2/12/20 12:47pm

Required registration hinders local low-risk sex offenders during reintegration

While the sex offender registry is intended to keep the community safe, researchers have questioned its effectiveness. Studies have found that the difficulties offenders face as a result of the registry can lead to recidivism, the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend. Left disadvantaged by the public registry and without a state-funded support structure, local offenders rely on community organizations for guidance.
