
NEWS 3/16/21 8:06pm

Elon students vie for SGA executive vice president

Three candidates vie for the executive vice presidential spot in Elon University's Student Government Association, with juniors Chloe Yoon and Ireland Horan and sophomore Trevor Molin running for the position. The executive vice president serves as the speaker of the senate and only votes on legislation in the case of a tie. They can also call any special meetings of the senate, and appoint senators to senate committees, as well as committee chairs. 

NEWS 3/13/21 12:19pm

Elon juniors face off in SGA executive president election

Elon juniors Jack Corby and Daniel Dorociak began their campaigns earlier this week in the first fully virtual race for the top spot in the Student Government Association — executive president. Corby currently serves as the class of 2022 secretary while Dorociak serves as the class of 2022 vice president.

NEWS 3/12/21 4:58pm

Ricky Hurtado and Amy Galey join panel hosted by Elon University

NC State Senator Amy Galey (R-24) and State Representative Ricky Hurtado (D-63) joined a panel hosted by Elon University discussing their new roles in the General Assembly. The panel is a part of the Active Citizen Series. Galey represents a portion of Alamance County in the state senate and Hurtado represents a portion of the county in the state house.

NEWS 3/5/21 12:17am

SGA approves gender based violence prevention pilot program

Elon University’s Student Government Association approved a bill to create a gender based violence prevention pilot program for the student body. SGA authorized $19,000 from its reserve fund for the creation of a two-part gender based violence prevention pilot program. The goal is to have 20% of undergraduate students participate in the program.

NEWS 3/2/21 10:51pm

Commissioners approve moratorium for Snow Camp land development plan

The Alamance County Commissioners unanimously approved a 12-month moratorium on the land development plan for Snow Camp at their March 1 meeting. The moratorium gives the commissioners additional time to finalize the land development plan and reconsider zoning in Snow Camp. Commissioners said the moratorium will give them and the planning department time to study the arising issues of heavy industrial development in Snow Camp.

NEWS 2/26/21 12:44am

SGA ratifies new constitution

Elon University’s Student Government Association voted 35-9 to ratify proposed changes to the constitution, which would change the structure of the organization, at the Feb. 25 business meeting after two and a half hours of debate. Beginning in the 2022 election cycle, SGA would be structured in three branches: the executive, legislative and judicial branches.

NEWS 2/24/21 8:11pm

​Gov. Roy Cooper lifts modified stay-at-home order as NC COVID-19 cases decline

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper announced at a press conference on Wednesday that the modified stay-at-home order in the state will be lifted on Friday at 5 p.m. The order, which was originally put in place after North Carolina saw an influx of COVID-19 cases after the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, is being lifted after the state has seen a downward trend in cases for the last few months, according to Cooper. 

NEWS 2/24/21 12:10pm

Breaking down SGA's proposed constitution

The proposed constitution comes after a committee determined the previous constitution allowed everything to be done internally, which didn’t include the rest of the student body in their decision making. The new constitution structures SGA in a similar way to the United States Government, with three branches: legislative, judicial and executive.

NEWS 2/19/21 12:44am

SGA Project Task Force discusses major changes to constitution

Elon University’s Student Government Association Project Task Force met virtually Thursday night about proposed changes to the SGA constitution that would significantly alter the structure of the organization. The new Constitution model more aligned with the United States government in the creation of three distinct branches: the legislative, executive and judicial branches. 

NEWS 2/2/21 8:17pm

Alamance County Commissioners approve 25,000 square foot COVID-19 vaccine site

The approval of the indoor space comes after Tony Lo Giudice, the Alamance County health director, told the board that the county’s demand for COVID-19 vaccinations is growing. The new indoor vaccination site will help with the county’s growing demand and is set to be leased for at least 3 months starting Feb. 1. The lease cost for the space will be $23,958.33 per month and can be renewed on a monthly basis 
