
NEWS 9/7/12 11:47am

DNC: Joaquin Castro

An interview with Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro, twin brother of Keynote speaker Julian Castro [div class="alignleft"] [/div]

NEWS 9/6/12 5:31pm

DNC: Joel Stein

ELN interviewed Time columnist Joel Stein about his time at the DNC. [div class="alignleft"] [/div]

NEWS 9/6/12 4:53pm

DNC: Ed Gordon

Ed Gordon of BET's "Weekly with Ed Gordon" on why it is important for college students to vote. [div class="alignleft"] [/div]

NEWS 9/5/12 6:46pm

Protesters With Opposite Views Find Common Ground

A faith-based protest got heated outside of the Charlotte Convention Center Wednesday morning, when a demonstrator accused America of moving away from God. "The Democratic National Convention has come to the conclusion that they don't need God anymore," said Reverand Flip Benham, bellowing into the megaphone at the Operation Save America demonstration. Other protesters holding signs that condemn abortion, homosexuality and other Biblical sins supported Benham, the director of Operation Save America.

NEWS 9/5/12 3:39pm

Protests Preview

Here's a look at what's been going on outside the Charlotte convention center: ELN was there during the abortion debate this afternoon. [div class="alignleft"] [/div]

NEWS 9/5/12 11:52am

DNC: Julian Castro

DNC keynote speaker Julian Castro on why young people should vote in the upcoming election. [div class="alignleft"] [/div]

NEWS 9/5/12 11:01am

DNC Burlington Protestors in Charlotte

Protestors came from all over the country to let their voices be heard at the DNC. Jason Puckett found some local protestors who shared their opinions. [div class="alignleft"] [/div]

NEWS 9/5/12 10:54am

DNC Women's Caucus meets in Charlotte

Nicole Chadwick visited the Democratic Women's Caucus and learned why their vote is so important in this election. [div class="alignleft"] [/div] Speakers include former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and President of Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards.
