Aidan Powley

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SPORTS 3/5/25 9:44am

Sombreros and Sluggers: Eastern Alamance soars to 17-1 victory with explosive offense

Eastern Alamance Softball secured a 17-1 victory over Person High School on March 4, fueled by a strong offensive showing. After a slow start and not scoring the first inning, the Eagles broke through with a four-run second inning. After their scoreless first inning, the Eagles scored four runs in the second thanks to a two-run shot. A grand slam in the third put the game out of reach, and a dropped catch ended the game early after only three innings.

NEWS 9/13/24 9:54am

New restaurant under construction at Park Place

Rosemary’s is under construction at the previous location of Mediterranean Deli and the first floor of Park Place, one of Elon’s on-campus apartment buildings. According to the restaurant’s website, Rosemary’s is an Italian restaurant with several locations around New York, specializing in seasoned Italian cooking and neighborly hospitality. It will be located at 202 W. Haggard Avenue and will seek to tailor to all members of the Elon community, according to Derek Bates, owner of the new location and Elon graduate ’85.

NEWS 5/20/24 11:56am

Barry ‘Mr. Elon’ Bradberry retires after 48-year legacy

Barry Bradberry’s journey to Elon dates back to his high school years when his principal Jeff Davis — class of 1950 Elon graduate — encouraged him to apply. Bradberry joined Elon’s Office of Admissions officially as a counselor soon after his Elon graduation with the class of 1975 and ends his 48-year career at Elon as associate dean of admissions. When Bradberry first joined admissions staff, total university enrollment had just passed 2,000 students with a graduating class of 400 students. As of the 2023-24 registrar's report, Elon’s total enrollment numbers have surpassed 7,200 and the graduating class amounts to over 1,500 students.

NEWS 5/16/24 3:54pm

Seniors launch educational campaign on pedestrian safety at Elon University

As part of their senior seminar, senior policy studies students Ciara Longsworth, Ethan Haqq, Mike Sanderson, Morgan McGlynn and Sidra Kennedy were given a project to work with the Town of Elon to investigate the issue of pedestrian safety on campus. As part of their project, they conducted a survey of over 200 students on pedestrian and road laws — followed by the creation of an educational campaign in the form of a video. According to the Elon Police Department, there have been 9 pedestrian-related incidents reported since 2020. 

NEWS 4/24/24 10:57am

Pilot program passes through SGA Senate, brings Narcan to campus

Legislation to fund a $5,000 pilot program unanimously passed Elon’s Student Government Association, bringing Narcan to the campus in the fall of 2025. Generically known as “Naloxone,” Narcan is a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose. The commonly referred to as “opioid antagonist” quickly restores normal breathing to a person whose breathing has slowed or stopped due to an opioid overdose. The legislation is still in the approval stage with campus leadership. Chief of Campus Safety and Police Joe LeMire declined to comment until a final approval is set.

NEWS 4/9/24 10:18pm

Elon Town Council permanently extends social district boundaries

Elon’s Town Council hosted their first meeting of April, where they unanimously decided on the permanent extension of the social district boundaries. The decision added North Holt Avenue and West College Avenue to the footprint of the social district, allowing patrons to utilize the Holt Avenue green space as a location to enjoy alcoholic beverages. It also opens the sidewalks up as a means of travel from North Holt Avenue to West College Avenue. The town council will meet next on Monday, April 15 to debate the 2025 proposed budget.

NEWS 3/8/24 3:43pm

Former NC Supreme Court chief justice earns first Justice Sandra Day O’Connor professorship at Elon Law

The Hon. Cheri Beasley has joined the Elon University School of Law faculty as the university’s first recipient of the Justice Sandra Day O’Connor endowed professorship. Beasley, who in 2019 became the first African-American woman to serve as chief justice on the North Carolina Supreme Court, will teach courses on appellate practice at Elon Law for one year beginning in fall 2024. The Justice Sandra Day O’Connor professorship was established to bring distinguished legal figures to Elon University, whose contributions to society reflect the values of the first woman who served on the Supreme Court of the United States. 

NEWS 2/24/24 7:32am

Elon University adopts new global strategic plan

Elon University has adopted a new global strategic plan aimed to maintain and expand its national reputation as a leader in global education, which includes its 18-year recognition as #1 in study abroad by the Institute of International Education. In 2011, Elon introduced a draft of a plan to improve global education. Until now, the university did not have any global strategic plan in place. The 2011 drafted plan laid out the groundwork for what is seen at Elon today, according to Dean of Global Education Nick Gozik.

NEWS 2/18/24 5:53pm

Kernodle launches new volunteer opportunity for Boys and Girls Club

The Kernodle Center for Civic Life started providing a new transportation service for students who would like to volunteer at Elon’s long-standing partner — the Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club of Alamance County — on Feb. 16. The Kernodle Center’s transportation service plans to run every Friday from 3 to 5:30 p.m., providing Elon students rides to the Boys and Girls Club of Alamance County. According to Associate Director of the Kernodle Center Kyle Anderson, Elon has given students the opportunity to volunteer at the local Boys and Girls Club for decades. 

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