White trash, thug, biker. These terms and more have been used for decades to describe people with tattoos and extravagant piercings. But those days are gone and a new era is coming into dominance.
Elon University hosted the United States Navy Concert Band in Alumni Gym on March 12. This is the second show in the band's southeastern tour to celebrate the 250 year anniversary of the Navy and the 100 year anniversary of the Navy Band. Throughout the concert, narrators introduced a new era within the Navy by describing advancements in technology, traditions and the Navy’s presence on the world stage. The band will travel to South Carolina next and finish in Washington D.C. The concerts are free to all attendees.
Over the past two to three years, Elon’s nursing department has been preparing a self-study to send to the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation. After the program’s launch in fall 2021, Elon’s nursing program received accreditation from the NLN CNEA in February 2025. The accreditation body applauded the program for its Winter Term study abroad course which travels to Cuba and focuses on showing students the differences between healthcare in the U.S. and healthcare in Cuba but also the limitations of each country’s systems.