Cammie Behnke

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NEWS 4/16/18 11:50pm

Greensboro still remains under local state of emergency

A state of emergency has been issued in Greensboro after a tornado ripped through the area Sunday. The National Weather Service confirmed that an F-2 tornado with 135 mph winds touched down in Greensboro, just 25 minutes west from Elon. The storm caused significant damages to homes and nearby schools and left one person dead after being hit by a tree while driving.

NEWS 2/5/18 6:17pm

Smith vandalism damage costs exceed $100,000

Vandalism damages to the first floor bathroom in Smith residence hall have exceeded $100,000, according to Jon Dooley, vice president of Student Life. Elon University is planning to charge all Smith residents $300 at the end of the semester. 

NEWS 9/7/16 7:43pm

Donald Trump campaigns in Greenville

GREENVILLE, NC-- "You think Hillary gets crowds like this?" former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani asked the crowd at the Greenville Convention Center on Tuesday, where Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump touched upon many issues including national security, immigration, and Hillary Clinton's email scandal. "We will never fix our rigged system by relying on the people who rigged it in the first place," Trump said.

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