Mariah Posey

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NEWS 9/13/17 8:00am

College dropouts: alternative paths to success

Traditional four-year colleges were once a must for anyone desiring career success, but the digital information age has given way to exciting new career paths that don’t require a college degree; such as media content creators, YouTube stars and web developers.

LIFESTYLE 4/18/17 4:50pm

Creating a home away from home: Sylvia Munoz's journey from Costa Rica to Elon University

Sylvia Munoz hadn’t encountered “space” until she first came to the United States in 1994. Back in San Jose, Costa Rica, her hometown, she lived with her family of seven in a house adjacent to all her closest friends — her cousins. At any given moment, her home was guaranteed to be full of excitement with either the noise of her sister and three brothers, her parents or her extended family members.

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