Loosening the Bible Belt: Alamance County’s Religious Climate Changes as Population Diversifies
Every month, a group of women in Alamance County gather at one woman’s house for a book group. They catch up.
Every month, a group of women in Alamance County gather at one woman’s house for a book group. They catch up.
If you think about it, four years is a really long time. Four years is a presidency, four years is the time span between every Olympics, four years is the length of Kim Kardashian’s first marriage (and more than 20 times longer than her second, infamously brief marriage). And when you’re 21 or 22, the age of most graduating seniors, four years is little more than one-fifth of your lifetime.
The Moseley parking lot will be downsizing after fall break to allow for construction to begin on the Inman Admissions Welcome Center, according to an email to the student body from Dennis Franks, director of campus safety and police. The Moseley lot currently has 287 spaces and will decrease to approximately 100 spaces along with a few 20 minute parking spaces. "I think it's going to cause a lot of problems because everybody likes to park here to go to the library, go to the gym, go to Moseley," said Devon Rogers, a sophomore who has a car on campus.
Belk Library and Octagon have received a facelift. The walls surrounding the new student center in Moseley came down Sept.
Lakeside Dining Hall and the Winter Garden Cafe received a sanitation rating of 90 on their Sept.
Colonnades Dining Hall was given a sanitation rating of 82, a low B, by the North Carolina Public Health Inspectors.
Marijuana. Weed. Ganja. Cannabis. Pot. Doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s a hot-button issue in American culture right now, especially with the full legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington since the last election and marijuana legislation in Congress in several more states.
The room was quiet as the smell of incense filled the air. Students and community members sat on cushions all around the room breathing in good thoughts through their right nostril and exhaling negative thoughts from their left.
Last week, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. explored how to improve themselves and the community through five events focused around the theme “The Better Making of Men.” The fraternity, one of Elon’s six National Panhellenic Council organizations, hosted one of its two NPHC programming weeks this year, which often include service events, informational events and entertaining events, according to Alpha Phi Alpha president Kristopher Jiles. Jiles said the chapter wanted to use this week as a way to get its name out there because, while it is the largest NPHC organization with 11 members on campus this semester, it is smaller than every IFC and PHC organization at Elon. “My goal this week is to make sure we’re living up to the aims of our fraternity,” Jiles said.
Spring Break playlist So maybe you’re planning a trip to the beach or maybe you’re just trying to get through midterms alive.
Spring is that time of year for new beginnings and revitalization, and if you’re like me, nothing needs more revitalization than your fitness routine.
No one likes to be put in a box. Northerner. Southerner. Athlete. Nerd. Fraternity brother. Independent.
Thursday’s SGA meeting was Darien Flowers’ final meeting as executive president.
Some students spend their senior year doing extensive research. Some may even coast along for the final semesters of their college career.
While the spring recruitment period for many students is finished for this year, several sororities and fraternities on campus have yet to begin recruitment. These non-traditional and budding Greek organizations all have recruitment on the horizon and are hoping to gain new members within the next few weeks. The newest of these organizations is Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT), a new fraternity with Jewish ties whose commitment ceremony Feb.
One would never think something as simple as a pair of tongs and some open space could make such a big difference.
On Feb. 5, Britain’s House of Commons made headway on a contentious debate in America: gay marriage.
A video at Saturday’s men’s basketball game revealed Big Sean and 3LAU will be playing the SUB Spring Show April 19.
It’s hard to accept that after 20 years of believing in something with all your heart, you’re entirely wrong.
LONDON — During the weeks following the close of the Paralympics, visitors to Trafalgar Square, a cultural center in the city of London, found an interesting object in the middle of the square: a large black metal orb. To passersby, it probably looked like an eyesore, but to those emerging from it, this exhibition was eye-opening. The artistic display, called “BE OPEN Sound Portal,” was just one of more than 300 events set up by The London Design Festival, which ran Sept.
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